Frequently Asked Questions
Personal Injury
Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer After an Accident?There are so many issues that arise in an accident and injury case that persons that do not have the experience that we do (40 years) will simply not know how to handle. We take away the stress and uncertainty of trying to handle a case by yourself without the assistance of experienced attorneys. Giving statements to insurance companies is a very bad idea, as most of the time, they are recorded, and nobody ever gives the same statement twice. We assist you in giving any statement to your insurance company or to the other side’s insurance company, if necessary. We also let you know whether you're getting a fair shake and fair deal on your property damage for your vehicle, and many other benefits too numerous to name.
Can I Get a Fair Deal Just Dealing With the Insurance Company Directly?It is very unlikely that an insurance company will deal with you fairly. You can expect that you will be low balled and you will not know what your case is worth nor how far an insurance company is willing to go. Statistics from Allstate from years ago showed that in general people who hired an attorney got approximately 3 times more in their accident case then people who did not hire an attorney for their personal injuries.
How Will I Know Whether My Case Will Go to Court or Settle? How will I know?If you have a small case, it’s reasonably likely that your case should be settled out of court. However, if your case is large, we’ve found that in order to get “full value,” you will need to litigate that case (take them to court and put pressure on them). The only way to really do so is to have an experienced attorney whom the insurance company respects. Let them know that if they don’t give a reasonable settlement offer, that there is a jury of your peers waiting in the courthouse.
How Do I Know What Doctors I Should Be Going to?We help guide you depending upon what your injuries are. Some of the people whom we represent prefer chiropractors, and we always make sure that we get an M.D. (medical doctor) involved. So we may send you to an orthopedic physician, a neurologist or even if your condition is very bad, potentially even a neurosurgeon. If your case is good enough, even if your insurance runs out, or if you don't have insurance, we know doctors who we can send you to for treatment who will wait until the end of your get case to get paid.
Will My Personal Injury Lawyer Handle My Property Damage?Your case manager has experience with property damage and is here to guide and assist you. If you have any questions regarding whether you are getting a fair shake on the amount being offered for your vehicle damage or if the vehicle is totaled, feel free to call us.
Should I Go Through My Own Insurance Company For My Property Damage, or Should I Go Through the Other Parties’ Insurance CoveragFirst of all, if you can afford your deductible and to pay it and wait to collect, we strongly recommend that you go through your own insurance company for your property damage. There are many reasons for that. Those red reasons include but are not limited to the fact that if there are problems in the near future, you do not have to worry much about your own insurance company taking care of those additional problems that show up later. In addition, if there is an issue whether you were somewhat at fault in the accident, your insurance company will not care. They will pay to have your vehicle repaired, less than any deductible. If your car was totaled, they will pay you the fair market value for a replacement vehicle.
Can I Get a Rental After a Car Accident?If you do not have coverage on your own insurance policy, the at-fault insurance company is liable under the law to pay for the cost of you to rent a comparable vehicle for a reasonable length of time in order for you to get the vehicle repaired.
I Have Pain Traveling Down My Arm and Down my Leg. What Is Causing That?You may have sustained an injury to your disc in your neck or back. If it continues, most likely, any physician that we send you to will request that you undergo an MRI scan. This is a non-invasive test which unless you have any kind of metal in your body, essentially has no side effects at all.
I am in Excruciating Pain. Non-invasive Treatment Has Not Helped Me. What Do You Suggest?We can send you out to physicians who specialize in pain to try different alternative treatments to help you.
I Hate Taking Prescription Medications, Particularly Pain Medications, Yet I am in Pain. Do You Have Any Suggestions There?We can recommend chiropractic and potentially acupuncture, neither of whom usually recommend prescription meds. If you have a fear of pain medications, we have chiropractors and acupuncturists who can treat you in a much more holistic fashion. Feel free to call us and ask us for a referral to one of the providers whom we recommend.
How Much Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Charge?We do not charge any money up front. We actually front all costs and the fees come out of the settlement at the end of the case. We charge pretty much what everybody else does in the community, one third if the case settles out of court, and 40 percent if a lawsuit has to be filed. However, the highest percentage of our cases do not require the filing of a lawsuit.
I am Unhappy With My Lawyer. My Attorney Does Not Return My Phone Calls. What Can I Do?If you are unsatisfied with the representation you’re getting from your lawyer, you can always switch. It will not cost you any extra to make that change. We pride ourselves on trying to be right on top of everything and will be very responsive to all inquiries and questions and issues that come up in your case.
How Long Do Personal Injury Cases Take?We understand that car accidents can be an inconvenience but each case is handled differently and we work diligently to get the most favorable outcome for your case in a timely manner. Usually, at minimum, it takes nine months for a case to settle if a lawsuit is not filed. If a lawsuit is filed, unfortunately, the case can take much longer.
Should I Use My Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc) While I Have a Personal Injury Case?Please keep in mind that anything you put on these websites can be discoverable in the course of your lawsuit if a lawsuit is filed. You should always exercise caution with the content that you post on these sites.
I was recently in a car accident. What do I do?First things first—seek medical attention, if you don't currently have any pain! Then, contact a car accident lawyer in Coral Springs. As a client of our firm, you will be assigned a case manager for your car accident case. This case manager will work closely with you and your attorney to handle the daily requirements of your case.
Can I File A Car Accident Claim After Insurance Pays?In their settlement offers, most insurance companies state that no additional compensation can be collected beyond the agreed-upon settlement amount. This is true even if your injuries become more serious in the weeks and months following your accident, which is a common occurrence with car accident injuries. If you have been offered a settlement, or if you have already signed one, call Law Offices Cytryn & Velazquez, P.A. today to discuss your case.
What if you are immobilized due to your injuries or no longer have transportation but need to see an attorney?If you have been involved in an accident, don’t allow your injuries and lack of transportation to stand in the way of justice. Our lawyers and friendly staff understand that clients are often left with severe injuries, making it difficult and uncomfortable for them to come to our office. Other times, clients are left with no mode of transportation due to their car accident. But don't fret! We will come to you!

What Our Clients Say About Us
"Absolute pleasure to work with."
They are extremely professional, honest, knowledgeable and will go the extra mile to take care of their clients.
- Ron D. -
"Very friendly, open and honest."
They made the final outcome not only successful, but they made entire process very interesting as well - a learning experience for me.
- John -
"Simply the best."
Mr. Cytryn was able to resolve my case better than I initially hoped for. I felt helpless until I hired him, then I knew everything was going to be ok.
- Former Client -
"Great track record."
I found him to be honest, hard working, loyal, empathetic and always available for you.
- Jerry S.