Erb's Palsy
Florida Accident Lawyer Assisting Families with Babies who have Erb’s Palsy
Do you believe your baby has Erb’s Palsy due to a doctor or midwife using too much force to pull the baby out when you were in labor? Does your baby have Erb’s Palsy because your doctor or midwife did not recommend cesarean delivery when there was knowledge of a complicated birth?
If you or someone you know has a baby with Erb’s Palsy due to medical malpractice, our personal injury lawyers might be able to assist you. Call us now toll-free at (954) 833-1440 to see what we can do for you.
During childbirth, the baby can get stuck a number of ways. When the baby’s shoulder gets stuck in the pelvic bone, it is known as shoulder dystocia. Shoulder dystocia is considered an emergency and requires immediate attention. The doctor or midwife can do several things to get the baby out including pressing the mother’s thighs against her belly, performing an episiotomy, turning the baby’s shoulder while still inside the mother, or doing a cesarean delivery.
Sometimes, doctors or midwives use excessive force to reposition the baby while it’s still inside the mother. As a result, they tear the nerves that provide movement and feeling to the baby’s shoulder and arm. This results in partial or complete paralysis. Shoulder dystocia causing arm or shoulder paralysis is known as Erb’s Palsy.
It’s important to know the risk factors associated with Erb’s Palsy secondary to shoulder dystocia. The March of Dimes lists the following risk factors for pregnant women:
- Having a large baby
- Pregnant with more than one baby
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Delivering the baby past the due date
- Induced labor
- Epidurals
- Operative vaginal birth (vaginal birth using forceps or vacuum).
If you are unsure whether your baby is suffering with Erb’s Palsy, it’s best to know the signs and symptoms because if left untreated, it can cause partial or complete paralysis, permanent weakness, or muscle wasting. Look for the following signs and symptoms provided by Birth Injury Guide:
- Lack of movement of arm or shoulder
- Arm bent towards body
- Weak or absent reflexes
- Pain in the affected limb
- Waiter’s tip posture (arm is limp with elbow extended and forearm pronated)
Fortunately, most infants do not have permanent injury and are able to recover with rehabilitation. However, in more severe cases, surgery might be required and may not be successful.
Our personal injury lawyers may be able to assist you with the next steps to take on your case.
If you or someone you know has a baby with Erb’s Palsy due to medical malpractice, call our office now toll-free at (954) 833-1440 for your free consultation.

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