Carbon Monoxide Fatalities and Consumer Products


Broward County Lawyer Located in Coral Springs Handling Injury and Death Cases From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Having handled carbon monoxide cases here at our firm, we are particularly touched by this topic. Unfortunately, it often takes tragedies to bring awareness about carbon monoxide, its causes, and prevention. In the past year, there has been an increase in the amount of carbon monoxide poisonings and deaths in Florida, as reported in one of our previous articles. We hope this is not a growing trend and that people learn how to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning from happening. For tips on carbon monoxide (CO) safety and choosing a CO detector, click here.

Some of these incidents have been associated with the use of keyless entry vehicles left running overnight in home garages. Other incidents involve the lack of carbon monoxide detectors, as was the case in December 2010 when five young people died from carbon monoxide fumes from the vehicle they left running in the attached garage of a motel in Hialeah. The motel they stayed in did not have carbon monoxide detectors, as mandated by 2006 Hialeah law.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, carbon monoxide is linked to more than 400 deaths each year and is the main cause of accidental poisoning fatalities in the U.S. Common sources of carbon monoxide include vehicle engines, gas and propane heaters, charcoal grills, and kerosene space heaters. All fuel-burning appliances must have proper ventilation; otherwise, they will produce dangerously high levels of CO. It is important to check your fuel-burning appliances and make sure they are properly installed and maintained to avoid a hazardous situation.

Carbon monoxide has no smell, taste, or odor, so it is important to know the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. The Environmental Protection Agency also has useful information including a list of Dos and Don'ts on its website.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) released a report in January 2011 regarding carbon monoxide fatalities linked to consumer products, and not associated with fires, for the year 2007. According to the report, approximately 183 deaths resulted from carbon monoxide incidents linked to consumer products. 79 percent of these fatalities took place in a home, and 14 percent happened outside the home in places such as tents and camper trailers. The report states that even though various factors may contribute to a carbon monoxide poisoning death, the source of carbon monoxide is "virtually always a fuel-burning product."

The Coral Springs carbon monoxide attorneys at Law Offices Cytryn & Velazquez help victims and families who have been affected by carbon monoxide poisoning resulting from the negligence of another business or individual.

For a free consultation, please call (954) 833-1440 or visit our website for more information.
