Is Your Insurance Company an “A” or an “F”?


Consider the following scenario: You shopped carefully for your car insurance - compared prices, coverage, financial ratings, and available discounts. You have been a loyal customer for several years and are satisfied with the company. One day, you are involved in an automobile accident. Then you discover how good your company really is...or is not.

Just because your insurance company is large and well known doesn't mean that it will be fair and responsive to your needs after an accident. Your company should repair your car or cover the costs of a rental car if you have the necessary coverage. But what will happen if you or any passengers are seriously injured? How quickly and completely will your insurance company approve your medical treatment and reimburse your providers?

In life, we've heard the expression, "You get what you pay for." The same may apply with your purchase of automobile insurance coverage. If you want an "A" insurance company, you've got to pay for it. However, sometimes you may end up paying the same premium for the same coverage for a "C+" insurance company as you would for an "F" insurance company. The only way to compare and become an educated consumer is by obtaining quotes from some of those insurance companies that have higher ratings (See our insurance company rankings).

If you are involved in an accident and have suffered a serious injury, dealing with a "D" or "F" insurance company will prove to be unsatisfying, particularly if you have to make an uninsured motorist claim against your own carrier who carries a low rating.

We have experience in dealing with insurance companies on behalf of our clients. Based upon our experience in dealing with insurance companies for over 43 years, we have developed ratings "A" to "F" for these insurance companies based upon how well or poorly they treat their customers and how fair they are in paying injury claims. You may be surprised by what we found.